Business Pathshala in Hindi

Date : 20-03-2021 to 20-03-2021
Time : 4:00 PM
Venue : A.H.Hall
In Association With : A.H.Hall
Description :

“Business Pathshala” was Launched By Shri Parth Desai, Chairman Of GCCI Youth Wing on 20th March,2021.* 

*It will be a platform for GCCI youth wing members where academics and practical learnings will connect.* Shri Parth Desai explained that the platform will be very useful for learning and sharing of business Queries and solving them through knowledge by inviting business stalwarts. In this forum, on appropriate intervals we shall invite relevant experts to address different concerns faced by young business owners. This platform will 

Establish a collective knowledge & Enhance collaborative approach towards solving business problem. 

*The Launching of Business Pathshala at GCCI was done by Shri Arjun Handa of Claris Group ,  Shri Paras Desai of WaghBakri Group , and Professor N.Krishnan from EDII(Gandhinagar)* The ceremony was attended by Sr Vice President Shri Hemantbhai Shah, Secretary Shri Pathikbhai Patwari, Youth wing members, Invited guests and faculty from EDII. The first talk show was on *Strategies for sustaining family business* Both the speakers Shri Arjunbhai Handa & Shri Parasbhai Desai shared their own experiences and learnings in the talk show which was moderated by Dr Krishnan N from EDII. The first talk show was supported by EDII.

Please make sure that GCCI YW Business Pathshala coverage should be bigger and nice