Seminar on Foreign Trade Policy 2023 - Opportunities in Export Growth

Date : 18-04-2023 to 18-04-2023
Time : 11:00 AM
Venue : GCCI
In Association With : .
Description :

A seminar was organized jointly between GCCI and Chemexcil on Foreign Trade Policy 2023- Opportunities for Export Growth. 

The purpose of the seminar was to understand the policy and roadmap of India's Export Growth. 

Shri. Pathik Patwari, President of GCCI, and Shri. Samir J. Shah, Chairman of the International Trade Task Force, GCCI graced the occasion along with the Regional Directors from Chemexcil, Shri. Bhupendra Patel (Gujarat) and Shri. Ankit Patel (North).

Esteemed Speaker, Mr. Sudhakar Kasture from Mumbai was invited for a detailed analysis of the FTP 2023 with special emphasis on the Export Growth. Mr. Kasture further explained that the policy is based on four pillars: Incentive to Remission, Export Promotion through Collaboration, Ease of Doing Business, and Emerging Areas. The policy introduces several new schemes and streamlines the existing ones to make them more responsive and user-friendly. Shri. Kasture also highlighted that the policy provides various incentives and support measures for areas such as SCOMET, Outreach Programs, E-commerce Export Scheme, One District One Product, etc.

This seminar gave good insights on the FTP 2023.