Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry today took an important step to bring the Indian and Japanese companies, especially the SMEs, a step closer. The “Japan Desk” was inaugurated today at GCCI, in the august presence of Dr. J.N. Singh, IAS, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Gujarat and Smt. D. Thara, VC & MD, GIDC. Mr. Kenji Marusaki, Director, JETRO Ahmedabad, Mr. Tomohiro Yama, Managing Director, Technotrends AutoPark Pvt. Ltd., Shri Mukesh Patel, Past President, GCCI, Shri Shailesh Patwari, President, GCCI, Dr. Jaimin Vasa, President Elect, GCCI and other office bearers of GCCI, representatives of Japanese companies in Gujarat, Indian SMEs having strategic tie-ups with Japanese companies and representatives of Press and Media also graced the occasion with their presence.
Japan and India share a huge potential for strategic partnerships and tie-ups. The recent visits by Heads of State of both the countries has built a strong business relationship and generated mutual trust between the companies of both countries. The announcement of Sister State and Sister City agreements, as well as the recent exchange of delegations for business as well as cultural objectives have further strengthened the ties. Many new investments have come in and strategic tie-ups have been done by Japanese companies with Gujarat-based firms in the last 2-3 years.
Recently, a business delegation of 17 members led by GCCI’s Sr. Vice President Dr. Jaimin Vasa visited Japan with the objective to promote two way trade and bilateral economic cooperation between India/Gujarat on the one hand and Japan on the other hand, with focus especially on the MSME sector. During the visit to Japan, the idea of starting a Japan Desk at GCCI was discussed, and all organizations such as Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), JETRO, Indian Embassy in Tokyo and Consulate General in Osaka, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (JOI), Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises & Regional Innovation (SMRJ) and Tokyo Metropolitan SME Support Center expressed their willingness to support the Japan Desk.
Government of Gujarat, JETRO as well as the Japanese Industrial Zone at Vithalapur and TechnoTrends Auto Park also extended necessary support and guidance for the Japan Desk.
The Japan Desk will serve as an interface between the Japanese companies wanting to enter into any kind of strategic tie-up with Gujarat based SMEs, the Government of Gujarat and the Japanese organizations. The Japan Desk will also provide guidance and information about the business opportunities in Japan available for Gujarat based SMEs.
The Japan Desk will keep active links with the Government of Gujarat, GIDC and JETRO Office in Ahmedabad, India Desk operated by JETRO in Japan as well as other Japanese organizations in Tokyo and Osaka-Kobe.
Services such as necessary support and guidance for market survey, identifying potential projects and participants for Joint Ventures & Technology Transfer, possible locations and infrastructure available, details about government support, information on Japan & India Trade agreements, key products traded, duty structures applicable etc. will be provided by the Japan Desk, with support from Government of Gujarat and other Japanese organizations.
In addition to these services, office space will be provided by the Japan Desk free of cost for one week to the Japanese companies visiting Ahmedabad, on similar lines as the support provided by JETRO for Indian companies visiting Japan.
This Japan Desk will therefore act as a catalyst and promote two way trade and bilateral economic cooperation between India/Gujarat on the one hand and Japan on the other hand, with focus especially on the SME sector.