The Business Women Wing Committee of Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry jointly organized the webinar with MSME-DI, Ahmedabad, IOCL-Gujarat Refinery Western Railway and VWIN, Sanand. The main objective of this webinar was to provide information of IOCL-Gujarat Refinery and Western Railway about the requirements / procurement process and opportunities for women enterprises.
In the webinar Mrs. Shilpa Bhatt, Chairperson, GCCI, Women's Wing ,Mrs. Nita Shah, Founder and President, VWIN, Sanand, , Mr. Vikas Gupta, IEDS, JT. Director, MSME-DI, Ahmedabad, Mrs. Piyali Chakraborty Chief General Manager (HR) IOCL - Vadodara, Mr. Swarjit Barua, Div. General Manager (M) IOCL - Vadodara, Mr. N. Tripathi, Sr. DMM, Western Railway (WR), Ahmedabad, Shri Umesh Sharma, IEDS Assistant. Director, MSME-DI, Ahmedabad, Shri P.N. Solanki, IEDS, DY. Director, MSME-DI, Ahmedabad remained present as speakers. They gave detailed information by presentation about vendor registration process, tender process, vendor qualification, schemes of MSME for women entrepreneurs which was very useful. A large number of women entrepreneurs joined the webinar.